Wednesday 17 September 2014

How To Survive A Heart Attack When You Are Alone?

Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help,the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
However,these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
Heart Attack
A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.
Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!
Heart Attack

Wonderful Reasons Why Pear(Nashpati) Should Be Your Favourite Fruit?

Pear may not be the most popular fruit in India but it does have its fair share of followers who love its taste and cannot get enough of it. Though underrated, pear has a whole lot of health benefits. Let’s take a look at some of them.
Skin benefits
According to nutritionist Priya Kathpal, most of the benefits of pear come from its skin. This is because the skin contains 3-4 times more phytonutrients as compared to the flesh. Phytonutrients are responsible for boosting our immunity and research shows that they also reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
Full of fibre
A single pear can fulfil 24% of your daily fibre requirement. Fibre is extremely important for our digestive system. The fibre in pear not only keeps the digestive tract healthy but according to research, it helps reduce cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and even Type II diabetes.
Reduces hunger pangs
If you want to keep your hunger pangs at bay in a healthy way, bite into a juicy pear. The fibre content in it will help keep you satiated for a longer time. Along with fibre, pear also has vitamin C and traces of iron and magnesium in it.
Can be eaten by everyone
Unlike some fruits which may be restricted for people suffering from a health condition, pear is one such fruit which can be eaten by anyone. In fact, it is one of the first fruits which can be introduced to infants in a pureed form. Also, people suffering from diabetes, obesity, and other lifestyle issues can also eat pear without any health concerns. ‘The fruit is not acidic unlike lemon or orange and can be digested easily. Pears are hypoallergenic, they have shown very low allergy symptoms compared to other fruits so they are hardly ever eliminated from anyone’s diet but the best time to eat them is in the morning,’ says Priya.
Healthy, natural dose of sugar
Pear contains Levulose, a natural form of sugar which is a lot healthier than natural sugars. This makes it an easy pick-me-up when you are craving for something sweet. Instead of eating candies, etc take the natural route by eating a pear instead. It won’t raise your blood sugar levels as well.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Garlic? Know!

Garlic is one of the most healthy foods with “healing powers” worldwide. Besides the fact that garlic cures colds and flu due to its antibacterial effects, it is also used in other situations. If you suffer from any of the following problems, read how to use garlic as a medicine:
Hair Loss
If you have a problem with hair loss, garlic is your best solution. It only takes you to cover your whole head with garlic oil or freshly cracked garlic once a week. After you apply the garlic, massage your head for about 10 minutes and then wash your hair with your favorite shampoo. The results will probably noticeable in a very short time.
If you suffer from acne, chop the garlic and put it directly on the acne. The result will be visible after few minutes, the redness around acne will soon fade away.
Inflammation of the ear
Put one spoon of cracked garlic in one spoon of hot olive oil and leave to stand still for one hour. Then, put a few drops in your ear, repeat this twice a day.
Herpes is a viral infection that is very unpleasant. To remove it, you just need to put chopped garlic on the herpes for 10 minutes. Repeat this five times within the next 12 hours and the next morning you will wake up without any trace of herpes.
Syrup for cough
Garlic has antibacterial effect and it immediately stops coughing. Put two crushed cloves of garlic in one deciliter of boiling water. Drink the liquid as tea.
Remove a splinter under the skin
Place cracked garlic on the place where the splinter entered and place a bandage over it. The splinter will come to the surface in some time.
Skin Care
Add some crushed garlic into your face mask and spread it on the face and body. Apply a thick layer of cream and let it stand for a few minutes. The result is great! Your skin will be very soft and smooth.

21 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss!

At last Gentleman, you have noticed the receding hairline on your forehead! And you lovely lady, why are you so worried about your thinning hair? There are a good lot of ways that can stop your hair loss trend and bring back good volume to your “head-crown!” I am going to give away 15 sure-shot ways to prevent hair loss so that you can then work upon your hair growth regime to bring back your crowning glory! But before that take notice of a fact related to your hair loss, it’ll prove helpful to you.

Normal Hair Loss- nothing to worry about!

We all lose some hair strands each day. So, it’s normal to see some hair coming off your scalp when you brush your hair daily. Normally we lose about 80-100 strands daily due to the end of life cycle of a hair strand. If that’s the matter, you don’t have to worry a lot. Just continue to have a stress-less healthy lifestyle including balanced diet. It’s when you see an abnormal loss of hair that you should start taking measures to stop this. There are many causes of hair loss. You may lose hair due to some hormonal changes, unhealthy lifestyle, junk food devoid of nutritional value, stress, some medication, vitamins deficiency, thyroid problems, menopause etc. Whatever the causes, you should try to eliminate them first and then resort to these home remedies for hair loss.

Actual Hair Loss- Get, Set, Go….

Massage, massage and massage…

More and more people are adopting regular head massage to cure as well as prevent hair loss. Why is massaging your scalp so important? It increases blood flow to your scalp! When blood flow to the hair follicles increases, it conditions the scalp, and strengthens the hair roots. The warmed up skin during massage opens up the blood vessels that help in greater nutrient intake. Don’t forget that hair is one of the important part of your body that also needs sufficient nutrients to grow and remain strong. Proper conditioning through oil massage also prevent dandruff which is yet another cause of hair loss. Not only this, massaging is relaxing and it relieves you off stress, another cause of hair-loss. When hair massage is so beneficial, why not make it a regular habit of massaging hair twice or thrice a week? It will definitely prevent hair loss and make them healthy and shiny. But what oils to use for head massage? I’ll tell you.

Best oils to prevent hair loss

These can be categorized into two, in fact, three groups- Herbal Oils, Essential Oils and Carrier Oils (also called base oils). Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils before they can be applied to the skin for massage. That way, while you need to use carrier oils with essential oils, you can use natural herbal oils directly on your scalp for massage. Here’s the list of herbal oils that you can use for head massage in order to prevent hair loss.

#1 Coconut Oil Massage

Coconut Oil is perhaps the best oil for preventing hair loss. This oil is used extensively in India and no one can doubt the quality of hair that Indian women possess. Coconut oil acts as sealant by preventing hair from losing its moisture. Apart from the fine nutrition that it provides to your hair, the lauric acid in coconut oil has antibacterial properties that keep away your scalp from infections.

#2 Olive Oil Massage

Olive Oil is rich in antioxidants and thus provide great nourishment to your hair. It also penetrates hair shafts better and prevent them from narrowing down by controlling the hormone called DTH. The extra virgin olive oil is best one when it comes to hair loss as it is rich in vitamin E and mono unsaturated fatty acids that not only prevents hair loss but also promotes hair growth.

#3 Almond Oil Massage

Almond Oil is perhaps the most nutritious oil with its rich contents that include Vitamins E, D, iron, magnesium, calcium, and fats. In fact, almond oil can also be used carrier oil when applying essential oils to the scalp. It gets absorbed slowly and deeply into the hair which makes it a perfect base for essential oils. This way you can get benefits of both- herbal as well as essential oil!
Now, it’s the turn to know the essential oils that are best for preventing hair loss.
lavender, cedarwood, thyme and rosemary

#4 Lavender Oil Massage

Lavender Oil with its wonderful fragrance is beneficial for preventing hair loss due to its antioxidant nutrients as well as antifungul and antiseptic properties. This oil derived from lavender flowers treats dandruff as well as itching, controls hair breakage all to prevent hair loss. It deeply conditions the hair and also controls dandruff. Lavender oil is widely used to treat alopecia areata too. Alopecia areata is a condition when excessive hair is lost and that too in patches. In such extreme cases daily massage with lavender oil is required. Jojoba and grapeseed oils can be used as base or carrier oil for any essential oil including lavender.

#5 Rosemary Oil Massage

Rosemary Oil, obtained from rosemary leaves, is yet another essential oil used to prevent hair loss even for acute alopecia areta condition. This oil stimulates the hair roots and increases blood circulation in the scalp leading to hair growth too. Jojoba oil, grapeseed oil as well almond oil prove to be great carrier oils for rosemary oil. So mix it with one of any carrier oils and massage your scalp daily or weekly as per your hair loss status!

#6 Geranium Oil Massage

Geranium Oil, extracted from plant’s leaves and stalks is good for both dry and oily hair. It basically works on the sebaceous glands on your scalp and helps in regulating the secretion of sebum. This in turn strengthens hair while making them smooth and silky. Carrier oils are same as for other essential oils- jojoba, grapeseed, almond or coconut oil.

#7 Super-Tip for Hair Loss…

This is something you’ll love to massage your hair with. This is a lotion prepared with a variety of essential oils. First, I’ll tell you how to make this lotion for hair loss prevention and then how to use it. You’ll need the following ingredients in the exact measure as written below:
  • Rosewater- 50 ml
  • Distilled water- 50 ml
  • Apple cider vinegar- 15 ml
  • Rosemary Oil- 5 drops
  • Jojoba Oil- 6 drops
  • Carrot Oil- 3 drops
  • Geranium Oil- 3 drops

Now how to use this lotion to massage your hair to reduce hair fall!

  • Mix all the above oils and water and give a good shake.
  • After washing hair, dry your hair partially.
  • Now take some lotion, about 2 teaspoons, that you have prepared after mixing all the above oils and rose plus distilled water.
  • Rub this lotion gently on your scalp.
  • Store the rest of the lotion in refrigerator.
  • When you take out the lotion again next day, you will see the ingredients in it separated.
  • Shake the bottle again.
  • Now apply as you did the previous day.
  • Massage your scalp daily with this lotion and see how you prevent your hair loss in only few days.

Eat Right to Prevent Hair Loss

Without strong foundation any building can fall. Same is true with hair. If you don’t provide right nutrition to your hair, they’ll eventually fall. So, start eating and rightly so for your hair too. Haere’s what all you should include in your diet to prevent hair loss.

#8 Omega- 3 Fatty Acids

Why have Omega 3 fatty acids?

They can easily reach your hair scalp and cell membranes deep into your scalp. This provides nourishment to follicles which not only prevent hair loss but promote its growth. Secondly, they also make your hair more elastic so that they do not break easily. They also cure dry itchy skin, thus preventing dandruff.

What to have?

  • Flaxseeds
  • Walnuts
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Soybeans

#9 Zinc Rich Foods

Why have foods rich in zinc?

Deficiency of zinc is one of the major causes of hair loss. Zinc builds proteins (so essential for hair growth), creates DNA and boosts tissue growth and repair. It also regulates hormones which includes testosterone, high levels of which can lead to hair loss.

What to have?

  • Seafoods like oysters and crabs
  • Lean Beef
  • Wheat Germ
  • Spinach
  • Pumpkin, squash and sunflower seeds
  • Nuts
  • Pork and chicken

#10 Protein Rich Foods

Why have protein?

Because our hair is primarily made up of protein. So, if you don’t eat protein rich food, you don’t have hair. Protein deficiency can also lead to graying of hair.

What to have?

  • Milk, cheese, yogurt
  • Lentils
  • Seafood such as salmon
  • White meat- poultry
  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Soy
  • Lean Beef

#11 Iron Rich Foods

Why have iron rich foods?

Iron is the carrier of oxygen within your body. It’s deficiency can mean less oxygen reaching your head and less oxygen means poor blood circulation which in turn will definitely lead to hair problems including hair loss.

What to have?

  • Egg yolks
  • Red meat
  • Dark leafy green vegetables
  • Dry fruits like prunes and raisins
  • Mollusks such as oysters, clams, scallops
  • Turkey
  • Beans, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas
  • Liver

#12 Vitamins A and C

Why have vitamins?

These vitamins help in producing sebum, the oily substance that is secreted by our hair follicles to prevent hair from breaking off. Vitamin C also improves iron absorption. However, don’t go overboard. Excess vitamin A can even lead to hair loss. So have this vitamin in moderation.

What to eat for vitamin A?

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Spinach and Collard greens
  • Swiss chard
  • Winter squash
  • Mustard greens
  • lettuce

What to eat for vitamin C?

  • Papaya
  • Bell peppers
  • Strawberries
  • Pineapples
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Oranges and Kiwi fruits
  • Broccoli
  • Kale

Use Herbs to Prevent hair Loss

If your hair loss is acute and you think you take perfect diet then also are unable to prevent hair loss, some herbs may help you to overcome your problem. Some Indian as well as Native American herbs can prove to be good remedies for hair loss.

#13 Bhringaraj (Eclipta Alba)

This herb, Bhringaraj, is one of the main components of ancient Ayurvedic hair oils and hair tonics meant for preventing hair loss. It is the established Ayurvedic medicine to cure baldness and premature graying of hair too.

How to use Bhringaraj to prevent hair fall?

Get some Bhringaraj leaves and prepare a special hair oil through the below mentioned method.
You’ll need:
  • Bhringaraj plant/ leaves- 50gm
  • Coconut oil – 200 ml (you can also use sesame oil or any other oil as a base oil, but coconut poil is best for the purpose)
  • Fenugreek seeds – 2 teaspoons
Follow the below steps to make bhringaraj oil at home
  • Crush the leaves of Bhringaraj plant or grind it. Howver, do ot make it a paste. They should be partially grounded.
  • Boil coconut oil in a pan.
  • Add the crushed Bhringaraj leaves and fenugreek seeds to the boiling coconut oil.
  • Let the mixture boil for about 10 minutes until when you see big bubbles formed in the oil.
  • Put off the flame and let the oil stand overnight in the covered pan.
  • In the morning, strain the oil into a glass jar or bottle.
  • Use the oil for massaging your head scalp- daily.
If you can’t find Bhringaraj plants,you may even buy readymade bhringaraj oil sold in the market and even available online these days.

#14 Indian Gooseberry or Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica)

Amla, yet again an Indian herb is a rich source of vitamin C and iron. This herb is used since ancient times to prevent hair loss. You can also take advantage of this readily available herb.

How to use Amla reduce hair fall?

You’ll need:
  • Amla pieces
  • Coconut oil
If your amla pieces are dried, you can use them directly otherwise dry them up in shade.
  • Boil Coconut oil
  • Add the dried amla pieces and let it boil for the time until it gets dark in colour
  • Put off the flame and let the oil get cool.
  • Take out the pieces of amla and use the oil for massaging your hair scalp.
Another way of using this herb is to soak the amla pieces in water overnight. It’s better if you soak it in an iron vessel. Next day when you shampoo after oil massage, use this water to rinse your hair.

#15 Ghritkumari (Aloe Vera)

Not only Ayurveda but even the ancient Egyptian medicine used aloe vera to prevent hair loss. Aloevera contains enzymes that can eradicate dead cells on our scalp so that they do not clog the hair follicles. Clogging of hair follicles prevent nutrients from entering the hair roots. Aloe vera’s alkalizing properties also help in maintaining hair’s pH level at optimum level promoting hair growth.

How to use aloe vera to prevent hair loss?

Prepare an aloe vera hair mask. You’ll need:
  • Aloe vera gel extracted from aloe vera plant – Half cup
  • Castor oil- 2 tsp
  • Fenugreek powder- 2 tsp
  • Basil powder- 2 tsp
Mix all the above ingredients to get a thick mask.
  • Apply this gel mask to your scalp.
  • Cover yopur hair too with this mask.
  • Leave the mask on hair for about eight hours. If you can do it at night, its better. Just wear a shower cap before going to bed.
  • Wash off this mask using a mild shampoo
  • Do this once a week for a few months to get a good volume of hair.

#16 Yucca Plant and Yucca Root Powder

Native American tribes use Yucca plant root for preventing hair loss. Yucca root and even yucca root powder can be obtained from grocery stores. You can make yucca root shampoo at home.
You’ll need:
  • Yucca root powder- 1 tablespoons
  • Water- 2 cups
Mix yucca root powder with water and blend it, if possible in a food processor. You will get a foamy smooth liquid through this procedure which can be used to cleanse your hair.

You can use yucca root in a different way too.

  • Take a piece of yucca root.
  • Peel off the outer brown layer of your yucca root. This will show up the fleshy white inside of the root.
  • Now using a hammer or some other tool like it, smash the root to get its pieces.
  • When you run a piece of such yucca root under water, you’ll get a leathery bar soap like thing with which you can shampoo your hair.

Manage your Stress

Believe it or not, if everything’s right- the diet, vitamins and nutrients intake, what can be the root cause of your hair less may be the big villain- Stress. So, you need to find out the reason for your stress and eliminate that. Here are some suggestions that you can adopt for reducing and managing your stress levels. However, your stress is unique to you and you only need to find the perfect way to deal with it. Hope positive- that’s the first thing you can do to remain stress-free!

#17 Do Meditation

Meditation is simple and you don’t need to spend any money on it. Everyone can practice meditation. When you do meditation, you can focus your attention. You are able to eliminate the entangled thoughts that crowd up your mind and cause stress by inducing hormonal imbalance. Meditation promotes your emotional and physical well-being including your hair’s health!

#18 Breathe deeply

Deep breathing is the basic to many Yoga techniques. It is simple, easy and can be done anywhere while doing anything. You just need to take a five minutes break, sit straight (if not possible, stand straight), close your eyes and focus on your breathing process. Inhale slowly through nose, feel the air passing down till your abdomen and realize its making its way up till your head. Now just reverse the process, feel the air climbing down and gradually exhale it out through your nose. Deep breathing is a foolproof way of

#19 Exercise, even if in moderation

Exercise is not just to keep your body fit, it also makes your mind stress free. Any exercise- walking, yoga, swimming, aerobics, playing etc.- release feel-good chemicals in your body keeping whole of your body and mind stress free and healthy.

#20 Express yourself, vent out feelings

Social support is crucial in dealing with stress. Talk to others- your spouse, friends, family members- face-to-face or at least on phone. If somehow, you can not talk to anyone, write down your experiences and feelings. Maintaining a daily diary or a ‘feelings-journal’ too can prove to be a great stress buster. Keeping yourself stress free will not only save you from chronic diseases but also from hair loss!

#21 Take Good Care of your Hair

Taking care of anything eventually preserves it and promotes it. True for hair too! Fix a good cleaning regimen for hair, do not use harsh chemicals for coloring or styling your hair, and be gentle to your hair. Here are some more tips to take care of your hair to prevent them from falling off.
  • Avoid constant heating and drying procedures on your hair. Heat tends to weaken hair proteins leading to hair-loss. Thus hair dryers, hot curlers, hot brushes, hair straighteners, hair fasteners etc. should be used sparingly if at all.
  • Avoid using tight low quality rubber bands, elastics etc. on your hair. Tightly done hair styles can lead to their breakage and eventual hair loss. Medical condition which leads to hair loss due to too tight hairstyle is called ‘traction’. Better avoid such hairstyles.
  • This trick to prevent hair loss, I bet, you know already- avoid brushing wet hair. And also use wide tooted combs and brushes with soft bristles.
Reading all the above tips may give you a feeling as if hair care is a challenge. However, once you make a habit of taking proper care of your hair and also change your lifestyle to include good diet and exercises for body and mind, you’ll feel, how simple it is to pamper your hair!

Simple Natural Home Remedies For Ashthma

Asthma is a lung disease that causes difficulty breathing. Asthma can be either acute or chronic. Asthma attacks occur when there is an obstruction in the flow of air in the lungs.
Some common causes of asthma are allergies, air pollution, respiratory infections, sulfites in food and certain medications. Common symptoms include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness.
There are many medical treatments for asthma. These simple natural remedies can also provide relief from symptoms.
Here are the top 6 home remedies for asthma.
1. Ginger
Ginger is a well-known natural treatment for various ailments including asthma. Researchers have found that it can help reduce airway inflammation and inhibit airway contraction. Plus, studies indicate that it has compounds that may enhance the muscle relaxant effects of certain asthma drugs.
Mix equal quantities of ginger juice, pomegranate juice and honey. Consume one tablespoon of this mixture two or three times a day.
Alternatively, you can mix one teaspoon of ground ginger in one and a half cups of water and take one tablespoon of this mixture at bedtime.
Cut one inch of ginger into small pieces and add it to a pot of boiling water. Let it steep for five minutes, allow it to cool down and then drink it.
To detoxify your lungs, prepare a fenugreek decoction by boiling one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and mixing one teaspoon each of ginger juice and honey in it. Drink this solution every morning and evening.
You can also eat raw ginger mixed with salt.
2. Mustard Oil
When having an asthma attack, massaging with mustard oil will help clear the respiratory passages and restore normal breathing.
Heat some mustard oil with a little camphor and gently massage it into the chest and upper back.
Do this several times a day until the symptoms subside.
3. Figs
The nutritional properties of figs promote respiratory health and help drain phlegm and alleviate breathing difficulties.
Wash three dried figs and soak them in a cup of water overnight.
In the morning, eat the soaked figs and drink the fig water on an empty stomach.
Continue this home treatment for a couple of months. This method helps the nutrients quickly enter your bloodstream and provide relief from asthma symptoms.
4. Garlic
The following garlic remedies will clear congestion in your lungs, giving you quick relief from asthma symptoms.
Boil 10 to 15 cloves of garlic in one-half cup of milk. Drink this once a day.
You can also make garlic tea by adding three to four cloves of garlic to a pot of hot water and letting it steep for five minutes. Allow it to cool to room temperature and then drink it.
5. Coffee
The caffeine in regular coffee can help control asthma attacks because it acts as a bronchodilator. Hot coffee also will relax and clear the airways to help you to breathe easier. The stronger the coffee, the better the result.
But try not to drink more than three cups of black coffee in a day. If you do not like coffee, you can opt for a cup of hot black tea. Do not use caffeine as a regular treatment though.
6. Eucalyptus Oil
Pure eucalyptus oil is an effective treatment for asthma symptoms because of its decongestant properties. Research indicates that it has a chemical called eucalyptol which can help break up mucus.
Just put a few drops of eucalyptus oil on a paper towel and keep it by your head when sleeping so that you breathe in the aroma.
You can also put two to three drops of eucalyptus oil in a pot of boiling water and breathe in the steam. Try to take deep breaths for faster results.
Eucalyptus Oil

8 Great Tips To Start Meditation(Dhyan)!!

Did you know by spending just a little time preparing for your meditation, you can actually have a deeper experience in meditation? For your ease, the tips given below will help you prepare for your meditation. Once done, click on the guided meditation below to begin your meditation.
1. Choose A Convenient Time
Meditation is essentially relaxation time, so it should be done entirely at your convenience. So, after the meditation you do right now, for the subsequent meditations, choose a time when you know you are not likely to be disturbed and are free to relax and enjoy.
The hours of sunrise and sunset, while nature transitions between day and night, are also ideal for the practice.
2. Choose A Quiet Place
Just like a convenient hour, choose a place where you not likely to be disturbed.
Quiet and peaceful surroundings can make the meditation experience more enjoyable and relaxing.
3. Sit In A Comfortable Posture
Your posture makes a difference too. Make sure you are relaxed, comfortable and steady.
Sit straight with your spine erect; keep your shoulders and neck relaxed, and eyes closed throughout the process.
That you have to sit in Padmasana (the lotus position) to meditate is a very common myth of meditation.
4. Keep A Relatively Empty Stomach
A good time to meditate is before having a meal.
After food, you might doze off while meditating. However, do not force yourself to meditate when you are very hungry.
You will find it difficult because of hunger cramps or you may even keep thinking about food the whole time! In this case, you can meditate after two hours after having food.
5. Start With A Few Warm-ups
A few warm-up or sukshma yoga exercises before sitting to meditate helps improve circulation, removes inertia and restlessness and makes the body feel lighter.
You will be able to sit steadily for a longer time.
6. Take A Few Deep Breaths
This is again preparation for easy meditation. Deep breathing in and out as well as doing some nadi shodhan pranayama before meditating is always a good idea.
This helps to steady the rhythm of the breath and leads the mind in to a peaceful meditative state.
7. Keep A Gentle Smile On Your Face
You will see the difference.
A gentle smile throughout keeps you relaxed, peaceful and enhances your meditation experience.
8. Open Your Eyes Slowly & Gently
As you come close to the end of the meditation, don’t be in a hurry to open your eyes and start moving about.
Open your eyes slowly and gradually and take time to become aware of yourself and your surroundings.